Monday, September 7, 2009

Goodbye DADDY

We are moving to Casper, Wy!!!!! Nick starts his job on Wed so we took him up there this weekend. He will be back for us in 3-4 weeks. It was hard to say goodbye and my little Triston keeps saying dada dada. It will be hard without him. I miss him so much already and I only left him last night. Thank you soooo much for phones. It makes it a little easier being able to bug him all day. It's interesting how your husband may drive you crazy sometimes but when they are gone you really realize how you love the things they do that drive you crazy!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That would be so hard!!! I dont know how you are going to do it, but I guess we have to do somethings sometime in order to provide for our families. Good luck with the little ones. Everything will work out!



Triston is getting so big. He is starting to eat big boy food now. He just needs teeth now so he can try more things.

I cute Annabelle's hair at school today.

D-Back Game

D-Back Game

Nap Time

Nap Time

Triston 7 months old

Triston 7 months old
